Wherever I go I see shades of gray, especially when I surf (the internet that is). Behind every smiling face lies a spirit, broken and forlorn. I came across a video which is featured on YouTube the other day entitled Sintel . It says there "must watch - in HD", so I did, for 2 reasons: 1.) I really enjoy watching HD videos and 2.) It's an animation created using a Free and Open Source Software. Before I even finished watching the animation - due to a technical problem, namely the HTML5 player beta - I've already shared it on Facebook. What? You didn't manage to catch it because it was posted too early in the morning (2:41am)? Ok, here you go then. Sintel in HD (1080p) If anyone happens to read this post, there will be spoilers in the following part so you might want to watch the video before reading further. For those who think that it's a waste of time, well, it's not like I can't make you watch it can I? LOL Amoto queramus seria ludo . I ended...
The motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom; to serve all, but love only one.