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Showing posts from 2020

The worst year

If only If only you knew What I knew Of trust And betrayal If only you felt What I felt The agony And despair Most people would probably say that 2020 is like the worst year ever, right? This year has been plagued with one tragedy after another and we are only halfway through it! Anyway, the following is an unpopular opinion of a particular guy: 2019 is actually way worse. Now before you go after him with pitchforks and torches, please allow him to provide you with the context in which such a statement would make total sense.  "OK Google/ Hey Siri, play I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith." On the fateful day that is 2 June 2019, he was having home-cooked noodles at her place as breakfast while brooding over his postgraduate study. You see, he had an appointment the next day with his supervisor and the lack of progress on the writing of his literature review had been weighing him down for weeks. Then it happened. "Let's break up." It must have taken his brain...