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Showing posts from 2008

Semester end complications

It's the time of the year when you (or I to be frank) have to worry about results. It's not all about grades in the University, I know. But what is it then without grades? Haha. Well, other than that, there's 25 days of SUKSIS training once again. Come on, they owed us our allowances and not in a small sum that is. Still, why so many days of training? I mean it's the semester break and aren't we supposed to be sitting at our home enjoying quality time. Damn. However, one is usually helpless in such situations because we took an oath to become a KS (unless ingnorant is bliss which is yet another case). I do not regret involving myself into such activites but I just hope that I can spend more time out of the campus, with my family especially. But as one grows up, it starts to seem harder. If I pursue my dreams, maybe I'd be stationed somewhere far away from home. How am I going to cope with that? It's going to be hard and for a person like me, I'd prefer n...

The end is a new beginning

Life is good, yet it tears me apart at the same time. I've got a result that sucks and this is only the second semester, it made me wonder wheter it will keep falling in the following semester, which is very likely to happen. Maybe I didn't work hard enough. Or maybe, just maybe, some lecturers of mine just prefer the fairer sex and I end up getting a B or something worse. Well, I guess that this is life and I'll just have to move on with it. Aside from academic, everything is still fine in Kor SUKSIS. However, the orders given were oftenly messed up and I am not sure of who should I be listening to. I am going to be an intermediate soon and hopefully it would be a fine year with great juniors joining us. When it comes to personal life, it is always complicated. Bye bye to the second semester and welcome to the third semester. Life's just getting tougher and tougher. :-D

Life is like a dream

Life is like a dream, isn’t it? Everything comes and goes before you knew it. Most of the times, we can’t really recall what we dreamt of the previous minute when we were fast asleep and yet, we had already woke up from it. Be that as it may, there were still dreams where you’ll never forget, not while you can still breathe. Some of them consist of nightmares while the rest, or rather most of them, were sweet dreams. Nobody can stay awake for their whole life; one must take a rest and sleep. However, it is also impossible for one to fell asleep all the time either. I know it sounds contradicted but that is the fact. Dreams can’t be programmed, unlike the computer. Therefore, it is similar to life: it is at some point yours’, but not exactly yours actually. @.@” When I am having a nightmare, I would say to myself:” Oh, what a dream!? I wonder how long this will last”. It is interesting because the answer that it expected ( which is:” Not for very long, I should think”) always appears wh...