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An awfully familiar scent  picked up from a total stranger; a bewildered me, the invisible you. It's nothing but old memories, that are perpetually new. Scars in time may fade away, the ghost of you is here to stay. Away from my dreams please go away, you've painted my whole life gray. We aren't so perfect to our dismay, “说的做的再多也是无谓, 不愿放手只会让彼此更累。” yet nothing I say could make you sway. Your trust in me I foolishly betray, 无法原谅自己的愚昧, learnt my lesson through the hard way, 当初不该将你的爱浪费, guess sorrow's the price I have to pay. Nights without you 真的好黑好黑, when I'm crying alone 多想有个人陪, even today 还是忘不了你的美。 Never will I put one's heart to play, ever till my dying day. Days and nights have since then passed, you and I we broke apart, 如今你不再是囚鸟自由的飞, 我却依旧在为过往而忏悔。 On my death bed I feebly lay, still regretful for the hurtful words I say. truly wish that I could 回到过去擦干你的泪。 Atoning for my sins if I still m...


大学毕业以后,人生进入了另一个阶段。在这人生旅途中,很幸运的遇到了许多一直以来包容我、扶持我的人;或者是家人、朋友、又或者是陌生的一张脸孔,这一切都不重要。 在累积美好回忆的当儿,岁月的流逝难免还是会为这短暂的人生带来一些些的感慨,毕竟完美这回事终究是可望不可及,一味的执著只会让所有事情更加的不堪。 旧地重游,曾经多么熟悉的一切竟然人事已非,叫人怎么不叹息岁月匆匆啊?道别后,昔日的情人知己尽已分道扬镳:有的事业有成、有的结婚生子、更有的两者皆如意。在为大家高兴的当儿,失落的心情也静悄悄的潜入了心里。虽然说这些年来都过得很好,却始终抹不去那一份若有所失的感觉。偶尔会不禁地问问自己,生命到底有什么意义。看来,我又开始情绪化了。 打从踏入职场后,悠闲似乎离得我好远好远。有些时候我真的好想放下肩上扛着的重担歇一歇,甚至是放下一切远走高飞我也在所不惜,走得越远越好。但人总是得活在现实中,即使我有多么的不愿,职责还是得要履行,且不单是为了我自己,也同时为家人、朋友、社会等的前途而打拼。衷心地希望有一天所付出的一切会为世界带来一丁点的美好,哪怕它有多渺小。值得与否,至少努力过就好。 懂我的人应该都知道我是多么的虚伪,为了保护自己而时常戴上不同的面具迎人。话说回来,知道了又如何?人,就是得随机应变,在这适者生存的社会里,更为如此。最近常把因果这词挂在嘴边,不是因为我害怕会遭天谴,也并非我奢望得到什么回报。简单来说,我从小就被灌输类似的一个概念:得饶人处且饶人;处在相同的情况下你希望他人如何对待你,你便如何对待他人。讽刺的是,如此一个概念常让我陷入为难中,尤其是当情况不允许我仁慈的时候,我却偏偏很不下心来。看来,要把这本性移掉的话恐怕非请愚公不可了。坦白说,我还是与周公交情较为深厚,所以狠心这一回事还是算了吧。 无论一个人言行上有多坏多冷酷,他的内心深处还是渴望着被疼爱与珍惜。不要放弃希望,更不要为了一些无谓的事情而迷失了自己。要知道,快乐并不全取自于自身的享受,而是在于将喜悦分享给他人当中。 P.S. 原以为想在此宣泄一下情绪,没想到中途却转了念,像个老人般地谈起人生来。无论如何,愿有缘听我倾诉的你生命中的每一天都是那么的美好。 :)

Patience makes patient

You'd think that it's easy being me. Well, can't really blame you for that because it does appear to be so most of the times. Throughout these years I've been learning how to control my emotions and it does seem in this case that I've done a pretty good job haven't I? It's been quite a while since I last posted anything to my blog but today I'm not here for the sake of updating. "Many a time words that we don't mean get said; those that we do, they kept buried deep inside" (Myself, 2012). Have you ever wondered why our mouths can talk for so long and so eloquently yet only so little of which came out are meaningful? I can say for one that most often than not we talk faster than we actually think, that's why. If there's one thing that I know for sure about life it'd be that you can never judge a book by its cover, just as pictures of most people found on Facebook can never be trusted. Let me give you another example: The tear...