What I do know is that my performance is not so good in this final exam. After the first paper I felt a great disappointment but not for the second or third one. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’m satisfied with them but I think numb is the word to describe me. I come to know that sometimes, there is something that you have no control over it or whatsoever, just like the weather. *Sigh*
How long have we known each other? 3 years? Ok, maybe we are not that close on the first or second year but technically speaking we have known each other for 3 years now. No? Time can really do wonders and I believe one of them is that it got us closer. On the other hand, it is also possible that time made us took each other for granted because we feel like we have been with each other for quite some time now and don’t worry; there is still time to get together in the future. As time goes by, we know more about each other and when we become closer, expectations follow. We expect people to know this, to do that and so on. But what if they don’t? What if the friends that you have known for 3 years still doesn’t fit into that BFF model you have in mind? The following adjectives are just a few of which can be used to describe one’s feeling on this matter: disappointed, pissed, mad, angry, awful, betrayed, sad etc. Perhaps there are even times when we feel like we have been together too long and that it would be good if we don’t have to see each other again.
Time in this sense is able to create an illusion that messes up the mind. Time can be precious because it is scarce or limited and yet it could also be too much to the extent that one feels bored with everything around him or her. I think that time is not to be blamed for making us feel distant to each other though, for it is our own attitude that are responsible for any mishaps. Illusion, remember? It’s all in your head. But then again, we are no saint and it is only natural for there to be conflicts with each other at times. Some conflicts are constructive while others, destructive. Well, it all depends on how you view it. Whatever the decision is, there is no turning back time and before you know it, your friends are gone, metaphorically. All of us have been through such situations and after enduring so much pain and suffer from friendship it would be a big regret if we never get something useful out of it.
I am sure that within these 3 years we’ve spent a lot of quality time together, be it on outings, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, suppers, movies and most of all lectures and tutorials. It will all be history soon but these sweet memories will be there to help me make it through the hard times. If fate brought us together, I do so hope that it will make us meet again in the future. It is impossible for me even to summarize the feelings that I have towards you. I wish I could find the words to describe how honoured am I to have you all as my friends and the joy that I feel whenever I hang out with you guys. It never fails to put a smile on my face knowing that I have a bunch of people who cared about me (or maybe not and I think too much). Just wanted to say that I appreciate everything and I will always do. Sometimes I can’t help myself but to be mean but deep down inside I actually cared. I do not always apologise when I do something wrong but I am indeed sorry for what I’ve done. I might and probably am not your best friend but I am the only male in class and you are undoubtedly my best friends. O(=^.^=)O
That’s it for now, I guess.
Do keep in touch and until we meet again, take care.
.::Signed with love, hugs and kisses::. ♥ ♥ ♥