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I've always known his songs but the idea of buying his original album 黑色柳丁never occurred to me, not even in dreams. Yet somehow it became the very first original album that I've bought and it happened back when I was still a secondary school student. Ah... The good old days. 

How delighted am I when I found out that all the songs contained in the album are beautiful. Speaking of which, something or someone triggered this writing and so here I would like to share one of his songs from the album with her and all of you as well. The title of the song is 蝴蝶 and the lyrics goes:

當這世界已經準備將我遺棄 像一個傷兵被留在孤獨荒野裡

開始懷疑我存在有沒有意義 在別人眼裡我似乎變成了隱形

難道失敗就永遠翻不了身 誰來挽救墬落的靈魂

每次一見到你 心裡好平靜 就像一隻蝴蝶飛過廢墟

我又能活下去 我又找回勇氣 你的愛像氧氣幫忙我呼吸

我又能呼吸 我又能呼吸 你就是不願意放棄

生命中充滿亂七八糟的問題 像走在沒有出口的那個迷宮裡 oh no

一次又一次只會用藉口逃避 怎麼你從來沒對我徹底的死心

我有何德何能值得你珍惜 為何你對我有求必應

每次一想到你 像雨過天晴 看見一隻蝴蝶飛過廢墟

是那麼的美麗 就像一個奇蹟 讓我從倒下的地方站起 Woo....

只要一靠近你 就覺得安心 你看著我的眼沒有懷疑

你對我的相信 讓我又能重生 不管世界多冷我還有你 我有你

愛我這樣的人對你來說不容易 我的痛苦你也經歷

你是唯一 陪我到天堂與地獄

每次一想到你 像雨過天晴 看見一隻蝴蝶飛過了廢墟

我能撐得下去 我會忘了過去 是你讓我找回新的生命 yeah..

每次一見到你 就心存感激 現在我能坦然面對自己

我會永遠珍惜 我會永遠愛你 在我心底的你位置沒有人能代替

yeah 你就是那唯一

Every time I listen to this song I get this warm fuzzy feeling coming out from the bottom of my heart. Never knew it was written for God at the first place but it is still relevant if we put it into other aspects of our life, for HE comes in many forms and so often we do not realize it. All which I mean to say is very simple: Have faith and we'll eventually get what we deserve. Above all else, we're always being loved, by one or many. ;)

Is there anything out there that matters more than this? 

Take care. ^^ 


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